Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Look at this! Let's carry on our mission to protect N.Z.'s Biodiversity!

Subject: Albany Planting Day - Sunday 29th - invitation to Albany families

Kia ora

You're warmly invited to the Hooton Reserve planting day - and welcome to share this invitation via your school newsletter or website.

When: Sunday 29th August 10am to 12pm
Where: Hooton Reserve, Albany, access from Mills Lane
Followed by a FREE sausage sizzle as a thank you to all volunteers. .... and Mr Whippy will be there with free ice creams!

The planting day is part of the celebration for the completion of stage 1 of the Lucas Creek Restoration Project. The focus of the project was on improving stream quality, stormwater capacity and amenity of the Lucas Creek in the Hooton Reserve area, including opportunities for walking and cycling. The public ceremony to officially mark the completion of the project will start at 10am and will be followed by a community planting session at around 10.30am.
Please wear sturdy footwear and bring a spade if you have one.

In case of severe wet weather the planting day will be postponed until Sunday 5th September. For postponement notice please listen to Newstalk ZB or contact Actionline on ph 486 8600.

Kind regards
Kate Jackson

Kate Jackson | Environmental Education Coordinator | Sustainable Environment Team

Friday, August 13, 2010

Breaking News!

Room 19 has adopted a bat and we voted that his name should be Rex (sorry to the boys who wanted to call him Blood-Sucking Bob).

We have also adopted a panda and she finally has a name - Puzzle.

CHALLENGE: How is Rex catching the insects?

A Room 19 Winner

Guess what!! Guess what!! Guess what!! A girl from Upper Harbour WON the North Shore Primary Schools Korean Speech Competition and she is in OUR class and we think THAT is pretty COOL!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pyjama Day!

On the 2nd of July, The Tio Team (as well as the rest of the school) had GPK Day in their pyjamas! We watched Hoodwinked which was quite funny and spent the day happily in our pyjamas. There were many types of pyjamas like Snoopy, Little Miss Chatterbox, Elmo, and Spiderman. Mostly everyone brought a pillow and a dressing gown, and also little teddy bears, even Miss White! It would be good if we could come to school every day in our pj's! Reported by Georgia

Monday, June 28, 2010

Role Models of Leadership


On the 28.6.10 the Eagle police chopper (helicopter) circled the little school of Upper Harbour.
The chopper's gale force
winds forced the grass to fly into our eyes. When the crew men stepped out of the dark blue chopper, the roaring and slicing blades started to slow down. There were three people in the chopper. One of them was a policeman, one was a pilot and the last one was a navigator.

The policeman was called Mr Rakena. He was here to show us what being a true leader is all about and to show us how we can be leaders ourselves.

He said a leader was somebody that helps somebody else.

We had some questions to ask him these are some of them:

If all the emergency services were at a particular scene (Ambulance,Police and Fire fighters) who would be in charge?

Is your career an important job?

If you were a teacher how would you teach this sort of thing to our students?

What would you expect from us at this stage of our life if we were going to become leaders?

If there were two emergencies at a time which one would you attend to first?

How many people do you think are leaders in this school?

Those were just a few of the questions we asked.

Next we went and looked at the police chopper. It was shining in the sun and slowly shaking with the breeze. We watched it lift off our field and soar away into the clouds.

We were excited to have this chopper visit us. Many of us hope we can be pilots one day and take on leadership roles in our community.

Reported by Jouveer.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tree Planting in Lady Phoenix Reserve

On Tuesday, the 15th of June, the Tio Team ENGAGED IN ACTION! We made a positive difference to our local environment and increased the biodiversity by planting hundreds of native trees. We made this happen! We contacted the council and asked if we could help plant an area on the North Shore. How lucky we were that they wanted planting to be done in Lady Phoenix Reserve near our school.

In the middle of a stormy, wet week, the sun came out, the clouds disappeared, the wind stilled and the day was beautiful - maybe Mother Nature knew of our plans? We dug, we sweated, we chattered, we planted and we enabled new life to begin - life of the plant and its future inhabitants. This is just the beginning of Room 19's lifelong commitment to protecting the world's biodiversity.