
This term we are working on SPEECHES!  They are such a lot of work but lots of fun!!  We need to have them finished by the end of Week 4 so that we can present them to the class during Week 5.  Our class will pick the top 5 speakers to go through to the Tio competition, which is in Week 6.  The winner of this competition will compete against other schools in Week 7.

  • The introduction needs to capture the audience's attention and let them know what the speech is about 
  • Each section of the speech should have a main point
Go to this website to record your speech  www.vocaroo.com and as you play it back, check you have achieved the success criteria for your voice, as given below.

Here we are practising...

Below are the Success Criteria for these speeches:

Speech Construction (3)
* Introduction, body of speech, conclusion
* Organisation of the speech
* Main points developed well.

Content of Speech (3)
* The message of the speech
* Is it relevant, meaningful, informative, clear and concise?
* Does it have the audience “hooked”?

Language (3)
* The use of grammar, punctuation and word selection to enhance message
* The use of visual imagery to ensure that the message is delivered.

Effectiveness (3)
* The impact on the audience
* Judges will be watching and assessing the audience’s reaction.

Presentation and Delivery (3)
* Facial and body gestures must enhance, not distract from, the speech
* Use of eye-contact and scanning
* Relaxed stance but not slouching or fidgeting
* Use of pause to allow the audience to take in the message
Note: A speech should only rely on cards for a memory jog and not be read straight from the cards.

Voice (3)
*Is there variety in volume levels, but always loud enough for the audience to hear?
*Clear pronunciation of words
*Is the speaker speaking at a good pace, not rushing through their words and running them together
*No umms & ahhs or extra long pauses

Time  (2)
Between 2 mins 30 and 3 mins 30


Please Note:
    * A speech contest is not a dramatic performance. Children will have points deducted if in the eyes of the judges they cross this boundary.

